Supply chain security

The State of Software Supply Chain Security Risks

Download the report now to see how your organization’s approach to software supply chain security compares to peers in North America, EMEA, and Japan.

What’s Inside 

How prepared are organizations to reduce security risks in the software supply chain? To find out, Synopsys commissioned Ponemon Institute to survey more than 1,200 IT security professionals around the world.

The result of this research is included in the report, “The State of Software Supply Chain Security Risks.” It details how organizations are approaching budgets and other resources, malicious code and malware threats, open source vulnerabilities, AI in software development, and more.

The report investigates

  • If budgets and other resources are adequate to secure the software supply chain
  • What steps organizations are taking to secure open source software
  • How secure commercial software is
  • The role of the SDLC in securing the software supply chain
  • How prevalent the use of AI is in software development
  • How many organizations produce or generate SBOMs

The State of Software Supply Chain Security Risks

Download this guide now to learn about these considerations and how to identify the weak points in your software supply chain.

Download the guide now