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GDPR for Development and Project Managers

Course Description

This course provides a thorough understanding of GDPR’s requirements for personal data protection and how they affect the software development life cycle. Lessons provide details on mapping personal data within an application and creating a dataflow map that helps identify privacy-related risks. You’ll walk away understanding how to use a data privacy impact assessment to assess risks to personal data and how to determine the needed technical and organizational controls. Security mechanisms that can be used to protect personal data are also presented at a high level.

Learning Objectives

  • Create a personal data inventory for an application and update the records of processing activities accordingly
  • Understand how to create a dataflow map and use it to determine risks for personal data
  • Become familiar with data subject rights and how they affect the software development life cycle
  • Gain a thorough understanding of the GDPR requirements that affect the design phase of software development
  • Go through the basic steps of a data privacy impact assessment and use it to determine the necessary privacy controls for an application
  • Understand the security mechanisms that can be used to protect personal data
  • Become familiar with the processes that need to be in place to detect and report a personal data breach


Delivery Format: eLearning

Duration: 45 Minutes

Level: Beginner

Intended Audience:

  • Architects
  • Development Managers

Prerequisites: None    

Course Outline

Personal Data Mapping  

  • Categories of Personal Data
  • Examples of Personal Data Mapping
  • Personal Data Inventory: Records of Processing Activities
  • Data Flow Mapping

Data Subjects' Rights

  • Consent Requirements
  • Consent Management
  • Right to Access and Rectification
  • Right to Be Forgotten
  • Data Portability
  • Transferring Personal Data to Third Parties

Design Requirements

  • Privacy by Design
  • Requirements for Profiling
  • The Role of the DPO

Data Privacy Impact Assessment

  • When Is a DPIA Mandatory?
  • DPIA Methodologies

Requirements for Development, Testing, and Production

  • Data Protection
  • Security Mechanisms
  • Breach Notification


Developer Security Training

Equip development teams with the skills and education to write secure code and fix issues faster