How Credo Semiconductor is Using AI to Accelerate Analog Design Migrations

Sumit Vishwakarma

Sep 30, 2024 / 1 min read

In the semiconductor industry, analog design migrations often feel like chores. You know the drill: Design your circuit for one process node, only to be asked to move it to another, and then another. 

It’s like folding the same pile of laundry, week after week. But the stakes are much higher. 

Each migration involves a considerable amount of tweaking, recalculating, and trial and error. And every manual task – no matter how repetitive – comes with the possibility of human error.

Credo Semiconductor wanted to eliminate these risks and accelerate their analog design migrations, which is why they turned to Synopsys

credo analog ic design migration

Part of the™ EDA suite, automates the process of migrating analog designs between process nodes, saving countless hours of manual work. also has a built-in optimizer that intelligently adjusts device parameter values based on the design’s target metrics, eliminating the need for manual fine-tuning and ensuring accuracy every step of the way.

Credo migrated the VCO design from 5nm to 7nm using Synopsys, reducing the migration efforts from multiple weeks to just a few hours, including setup offering up to 100X productivity improvement. The migrated design is optimized using the Optimizer, completing over 10,000 searches in around 2 hours, a process that would otherwise take several days or even weeks without

chip design migration

In a recent webinar, Yvonne Lin, associate vice president of technology foundry at Credo, discussed these impressive results, and Sidd Devalapalli, principal application engineer at Synopsys, shared additional details about 

If you’d like to learn more about accelerating analog design migrations with AI, watch the webinar or contact us today.

analog IC design

From left to right: Sumit Vishwakarma, Yvonne Lin, Hany Elhak, Sidd Devalapalli

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