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You’ve probably been hearing a lot lately about the quantum-computing threat to cryptography. If so, you probably also have a lot of questions about what this “quantum threat” is and how it will impact your cryptographic solutions. Let’s take a look at some of the most common questions about quantum computing and its impact on cryptography.
What is a Quantum Computer?
A quantum computer is not a very fast general-purpose supercomputer, nor can it magically operate in a massively parallel manner. Instead, it efficiently executes unique quantum algorithms. These algorithms can in theory perform certain very specific computations much more efficiently than any traditional computer could.
However, the development of a meaningful quantum computer, i.e., one that can, in practice, outperform a modern traditional computer, is exceptionally difficult. Quantum computing technology has been in development since the 1980s, with gradually improving operational quantum computers since the 2010s. However, even extrapolating the current state of the art into the future and assuming an exponential improvement equivalent to Moore’s law for traditional computers, experts estimate that it will still take at least 15 to 20 years for a meaningful quantum computer to become a reality.(1), (2)
What is the Quantum Threat to Cryptography?
In the 1990s, it was discovered that some quantum algorithms can impact the security of certain traditional cryptographic techniques. Two quantum algorithms have raised concerns:
These quantum algorithms, if they can be executed on a meaningful quantum computer, will impact the security of current cryptographic techniques.
What is the Impact on my Public-key Cryptography Solutions?
By far the most important and most widely used public-key primitives today are based on RSA, discrete-logarithm, or elliptic curve cryptography. When meaningful quantum computers become operational, all of these can be efficiently solved by Shor’s algorithm. This will make virtually all public-key cryptography in current use insecure.
For the affected public-key encryption and key exchange primitives, this threat is already real today. An attacker capturing and storing encrypted messages exchanged now (or in the past), could decrypt them in the future when meaningful quantum computers are operational. So, highly sensitive and/or long-term secrets communicated up to today are already at risk.
If you use the affected signing primitives in short-term commitments of less than 15 years, the problem is less urgent. However, if meaningful quantum computers become available, the value of any signature will be voided from that point. So, you shouldn’t use the affected primitives for signing long-term commitments that still need to be verifiable in 15-20 years or more.
Over the last decade, the cryptographic community has designed new public-key primitives that are based on mathematical problems that cannot be solved by Shor’s algorithm (or any other known efficient algorithm, quantum or otherwise). These algorithms are generally referred to as post-quantum cryptography. NIST recently announced a selection of these algorithms for standardization.(3)
What is the Impact on my Symmetric Cryptography Solutions?
The security level of a well-designed symmetric key primitive is equivalent to the effort needed for brute-forcing the secret key. On a traditional computer, the effort of brute-forcing a secret key is directly exponential in the key’s length. When a meaningful quantum computer can be used, Grover’s algorithm can speed up the brute-force attack quadratically. The needed effort remains exponential, though only in half of the key’s length. So, Grover’s algorithm could be said to reduce the security of any given-length algorithm by 50%.
However, there are some important things to keep in mind:
The practical impact of quantum computers on symmetric cryptography is, for the moment, very limited. Worst-case, the security strength of currently used primitives is reduced by 50% (of their key length), but due to the limitations of Grover’s algorithm, that is an overly pessimistic assumption for the near future. Doubling the length of symmetric keys to withstand quantum brute-force attacks is a very broad blanket measure that will certainly solve the problem, but is too conservative. Today, there are no mandated recommendations for quantum-hardening symmetric-key cryptography, and 128-bit security strength primitives like AES-128 or SHA-256 are considered safe to use now and in the foreseeable future.
Is there an Impact on Information-theoretical Security?
Information-theoretically secure methods (also called unconditional or perfect security) are algorithmic techniques for which security claims are mathematically proven. Some important information-theoretically secure constructions and primitives include the Vernam cipher, Shamir’s secret sharing, Quantum key distribution (8) (not to be confused with post-quantum cryptography), entropy sources and physical unclonable functions (PUFs), and fuzzy commitment schemes.(9)
Because an information-theoretical proof demonstrates that an adversary does not have sufficient information to break the security claim, regardless of its computing power – quantum or otherwise – information-theoretically secure constructions are not impacted by the quantum threat.
Synopsys SRAM PUF
The core technology underpinning all Synopsys PUF products is an SRAM PUF. Like other PUFs, an SRAM PUF generates device-unique responses that stem from unpredictable variations originating in the production process of silicon chips. The operation of an SRAM PUF is based on a conventional SRAM circuit readily available in virtually all digital chips.
Based on years of continuous measurements and analysis, Synopsys has developed stochastic models that describe the behavior of its SRAM PUFs very accurately (10). Using these models, we can determine tight bounds on the unpredictability of SRAM PUFs. These unpredictability bounds are expressed in terms of entropy, are fundamental, and cannot be overcome by any amount of computation, quantum or otherwise.
Synopsys PUF
Synopsys PUF is a hardware security solution based on SRAM PUF technology. The central component of Synopsys HW PUF is a fuzzy commitment scheme (9) that protects a root key with an SRAM PUF response and produces public helper data. It is information-theoretically proven that the helper data discloses zero information on the root key, so the fact that the helper data is public has no impact on the root key’s security.
This no-leakage proof – kept intact over years of field deployment on hundreds of millions of devices – relies on the PUF employed by the system to be an entropy source, as expressed by its stochastic model. Synopsys HW PUF uses its entropy source to initialize its root key for the first time, which is subsequently protected by the fuzzy commitment scheme.
In addition to the fuzzy commitment scheme and the entropy source, Synopsys HW PUF implements cryptographic operations based on certified standard-compliant constructions using standard symmetric crypto primitives, particularly AES and SHA-256. (11) These operations include:
The security architecture of Synopsys PUF is based on information-theoretically secure components for the generation and protection of a root key and on established symmetric cryptography for other cryptographic functions. Information-theoretically secure constructions are impervious to quantum attacks. The impact of the quantum threat on symmetric cryptography is limited and does not require any remediation now or in the foreseeable future. Importantly, Synopsys PUF does not deploy any quantum-vulnerable public-key cryptographic primitives.
All variants of Synopsys PUF are quantum-secure and in accordance with recommended post-quantum guidelines. The use of the 256-bit security strength variant of Synopsys PUF will offer strong quantum resistance, even in a distant future, but also the 128-bit variant is considered perfectly safe to use now and in the foreseeable time to come.