
LucidShape CAA V5 Based 2024.09 release | Synopsys

LucidShape CAA V5 Based

LucidShape CAA V5 Based 2024.09 版本包含許多可推進汽車照明設計的新功能。


  • When configuring a Candela Sensor, you can now choose a Type-C or Z-Pole Goniometer type. The Z-pole sensor is advantageous if the proportions of the periphery are more important than the center.
  • 設定坎德拉感測器時,您現在可以選擇 Type-C 或 Z-Pole 測角儀類型。如果外圍的比例比中心的比例更重要, Z-Pole 感測器則具有優勢。


  • This release introduces an advanced combination material. LucidShape CAA has included Specular Gaussian Lambert Combo Reflector and Refractor materials that allowed you to combine different material properties and distribute the probability of their contribution to the final material behavior amongst them. These new Grid Combo Refractor and Grid Combo Reflector materials enable you to again combine Specular, Gaussian, and Lambert properties, however instead of just defining a percentage, you can now define combinations for specific wavelength and angle of incidence.
  • 此版本引入了一種先進的複合材料。LucidShape CAA 包含了鏡面高斯朗伯特組合反射器和折射器材料,這使您能夠結合不同的材料特性,並在它們之間分配它們對最終材料行為的貢獻概率。這些新的網格組合折射器和網格組合反射器材料使您能夠再次結合鏡面、高斯和朗伯特特性,但現在不僅僅是定義百分比,您還可以為特定波長和入射角定義組合。


  • These new materials provide effective approximations of scattering behavior of real materials, without requiring BSDF measurement or fictitious BSDF generation.
  • 這些新材料提供了對實際材料散射行為的有效近似,而不需要進行 BSDF 量測或產生虛構的 BSDF。


  • When configuring a light source, you can now use a LID File as your Emitter Type. This is an emitter type which uses a LID saved in a LID file, which means that during the ray trace process, this emitter object gets the light intensity distribution from the given LID file.
  • 在設定光源時,您現在可以使用 LID 檔案作為發射器類型。這是一種使用保存在 LID 檔案中的 LID 的發射器類型,這意味著在光線追跡過程中,這個發射器對象會從給定的 LID 檔案中獲取光強度分佈。


  • The Simulation Result Display Options dialog box which is meant to set options for Surface Sensor data display has been extended with some new functionalities, including: 
    • Added a list for selecting a surface sensor data object, which is used for autoscaling.
    • You can now scale the plot using a computation based on a Munsell formula.
    • You can now display the views in gray scale.
  • 用於設定表面感測器數據顯示選項的模擬結果顯示選項對話框已擴充了一些新功能,包括: 
    • 新增了一個用於選擇表面傳感器數據對象的列表,用於自動縮放。 
    • 可使用基於 Munsell 公式的計算來縮放圖表。 
    • 可以以灰階顯示視圖。


  • New test tables for upcoming Chinese regulations have been integrated into the Test Table library under Preliminary_New_Regulation. Also, multiple license plate test tables were updated to fix discrepancies between manual evaluation and test table output.
  • 新的測試表格已整合到測試表庫中的 Preliminary_New_Regulation 目錄下,以符合即將實施的中國法規。此外,更新了多個車牌測試表格,以修正手動評估與測試表輸出之間的差異。


  • Advanced Analysis improvements: 
    • Support for bitmap images, allowing you to analyze and compare data from photographs or other renders of a design. 
    • New preprocessing options include adjusting the UV range, adding a gradient, and automatic headlamp aiming. 
    • Ability to add an aiming wall. 
    • New measurements for centroids. 
  • 進階分析改善: 
    • 支援點陣圖影像,讓您分析和比較來自照片或其他設計渲染的數據。 
    • 新的預處理選項包括調整 UV 範圍、新增漸層效果和自動車頭燈瞄準。 
    • 可新增瞄準牆。 
    • 新增對幾何中心的測量。


  • Modern reflectors/lenses often require hundreds or thousands of facets/pillows. Many of the MacroFocal settings can be configured using a CSV file. Instead of manually modifying every setting in a dialog box, you can work in your favorite spreadsheet tool.
  • 現代反射器/透鏡通常需要數百或數千個刻面/透鏡單元。許多 MacroFocal 設定可以使用 CSV 檔案來配置。您可以在您喜愛的試算表工具中進行操作,而無需手動在對話框中修改每個設定。
  • You can now configure a surface with small patterned geometrical objects, often called 3D Textures. These small shapes are frequently used to scatter light to produce a uniform lit appearance.
  • 可使用小型圖案幾何物體(通常稱為 3D 紋理)來配置表面。這些紋理經常用於散射光線以產生均勻的照明效果。


欲了解更多上述以及其他更新項目,請至 SolvNetPlus 查看 LucidShape CAA V5 更新說明。


using Multi-Environment Coupling (MECo) in CODE V 2024.03 | Synopsys


CODE V 2024.03 新增了使用多重環境耦合功能( MECo) 在多種溫度和壓力下配置鏡頭的功能。 MECo 方法可讓您在不同條件下分析系統,並在較寬的溫度範圍內進行消熱差鏡頭設計。

本次更新的功能巨集擴充了使用 MECo 設定的鏡頭的功能,歡迎登入 SolvNetPlus 查看,並閱讀技術文章了解更多!


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