
LightTools surface sequence capability | Synopsys


LightTools 2024.09 introduces the Image Analysis module, which enables the surface sequence capability. Surface sequences facilitate analyses that target stray light sources in optical systems. In addition, the release provides:

  • Interoperability enhancements with CODE V and RSoft Device Tools generated files
  • Improvements for SOLIDWORKS Link file saving
  • Fixes for customer-reported issues

If you have any questions about features in this release, please contact lighttools_support@synopsys.com.

LucidShape 2024.09 | Synopsys


The LucidShape 2024.09 release includes many new features to advance automotive lighting design:

  • Creation of Micro Lens Masks: Micro-Lens-Arrays are used in projection systems for icon projection for both, interior and exterior automotive lighting applications. For an optical engineer, the illumination design task is to find a suitable mask geometry to achieve the desired illumination distribution. To alleviate this burden on the user, we have automated the mask computation process.
  • New ways to generate small facets using the MacroFocal tools: Design trends are creating lenses with thousands and tens of thousands of facets. The MacroFocal tools have been expanded to make working with these large numbers of facets easier.
    • Configure facets using a CSV file. Instead of working with a grid of settings in the LucidShape interface, export your settings to a CSV file that you can edit in a spreadsheet tool, and then import back into LucidShape.
    • MacroFocal Reflector and Lens tools expanded to include mini pillows. You can now add micro-facets to each facet of your MacroFocal design. 
    • Update facets independently. Instead of recalculating hundreds of facets to see a change that only affects one facet, you can now recalculate facet by facet, speeding up your design process.
  • New and revised benchmark and regulation tools supporting advanced driving beam (ADB) design:
    • US-NCAP Benchmark Tool
    • FMVSS 108 ADB Tool
    • Regulation Checker
    • C-IASI Benchmark Tool
    • C-NCAP Benchmark Tool
  • Advanced Analysis improvements:
    • Support for bitmap images, allowing you to analyze and compare data from photographs or other renders of a design.
    • New preprocessing options include adjusting the UV range, adding a gradient, and automatic headlamp aiming.
    • Ability to add an aiming wall
    • New measurements for centroids 

For details about these and many other enhancements in this release, see the LucidShape Release Notes on SolvNetPlus.

If you have any questions about features in this release, please contact lucidshape_support@synopsys.com.

To get a demo, visit us at the SIA Vision conference on October 16-17 in Paris, France. 

RSoft Photonic Device Tools 2024.09 | Synopsys

RSoft 光子元件工具

The RSoft Photonic Device Tools 2024.09 release includes many new features to improve usability and speed for improved photonic device/grating simulation:

  • Support for GPU-based FDTD simulation in FullWAVE FDTD
    • Supports NVIDIA GPU hardware
    • Significant speedup, exact speedup is hardware/problem dependent
  • Non-orthogonal unit cells in DiffractMOD RCWA
    • More efficient simulation of hexagonal lattice structures
    • RSoft BSDF files produced with this new feature can be fully used by the RSoft BSDF UDOP in LightTools and MetaOptic Designer
  • Support for far-field and MTF targets for MetaOptic Designer
    • Enables design/simulation of metalens with specific far-field or MTF targets

For details about these and many other enhancements in this release, see the RSoft Photonic Device Tools Release Notes on SolvNetPlus.

If you have any questions about features in this release, please contact photonics_support@synopsys.com

Virtually Prototype Your Imaging System with ImSym | Synopsys

Virtually Prototype Your Imaging System with ImSym

ImSym is designed to revolutionize imaging system development by enabling a diverse range of stakeholders to virtually prototype and simulate images throughout all stages of product development. With ImSym, you can accurately simulate and visualize images, considering the relevant optical, electronic and algorithmic factors. This capability streamlines your development process and accelerates your time to market for your next innovative imaging product. 

Interested in learning more? Get a demo or quote from our sales team today, by sending an online request.


線上講座:系統級成像模擬平台 - ImSym 新品介紹

2024年10月16日 上午10:00-11:00 (台北時間)

線上講座:RSoft 2024.09 新功能介紹

2024年10月22日 上午10:00-11:00 (台北時間)

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